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Celebrating the dedication of learning pole.

Supporting the beginner pole student towards training success.

Forearm stand pole move

In this FREE video series, you design a pole training plan which keeps you motivated and on track towards achieving your pole goals. This program includes:

  • Videos to warm up to prep for your pole training sessions

  • Worksheets to help you track your progress and stay consistent

  • Tips and strategies to train consistently and effectively

Build Momentum and Consistency in your Training.

Kickstart your Pole Training at Home.

Training by yourself can lead to frustration and selling your pole. Let’s spend three weeks to reenergize your training so you feel like a super star again!

In a pole training slump?

Try these free Pole Training Trackers to track your progress and stay motivated.

“Jane’s years of experience shines in how she supports each individual’s comfort level, ability and goals.”

— Rav

Diary of a Pole Fanatic

Pole dancing through life, one nemesis move at a time.